Rolex Official Used Noob Replica Watches; The Questions You Want To Know Are Here.

Regarding Rolex selling second-watches, many domestic media reprinted much foreign news three days ago. Still, many places need to be corrected, and many businesses are not mentioned. Things, so after a few days of the bullets flying, today I will collectively summarize it for everyone. There are seven major points in total. The most detailed summary and confusion on the entire network!

① Beginning in December 2022, Rolex used watches service will be tried in Bao Zilei, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, Denmark, and Britain. Other Rolex official retailers will start this business in the spring of 2023. Only a specific dealer AD will be eligible to sell the second -Rolex-accredited watches.

② The service of the authentication used noob replica watches is only for Rolex purchased from the authorized dealer. Only authorized dealers can sell certified used watches: pre-OWENED second-hand certification card and other instructions attachments.

③ All second-hand certification Rolex must be sold for more than three years. This is to prevent competition with the new Rolex replicas for sale and affect the announcement of the new Rolex.

④ For the first time in history, these second-hand certification watches will be authorized to sell online! Online sales can only be sold on websites approved by AD! Authorized dealers shall not sell them on electronic markets such as eBay or Chrono24, or idle fish!

⑤ The antique watch that everyone cares about is not in this project! Watchs for more than 35 years will be excluded from the plan, especially watches that need to be repaired or high-value watches.

⑥ All second-hand certification Rolex is not only after comprehensive maintenance but also must be fully polished! So the original product can calm down.

⑦ Rolex’s so-called official certification used watches are not sold by Rolex! It is authorized to sell to dealers! It is a watch that allows dealers to send recovery to Rolex official renovation and authentication to sell in its store after certification! That is, the authorized dealers want to certify the official used to watch and sell them in fact: to be sent to the Rolex headquarters in Geneva, or to the Rolex Service Center around the world to renovate, or send it to the Rolex internal certification watchmakers to refurbish Essence If this watch is well -maintained in the folk and does not have a complete set of maintenance records of Rolex, Rolex will refuse to issue certifications, that is, almost all the certified used watches have a full set of Rolex’s maintenance records!

Range:GMT Master II
Case size:40 MM
Case material:Steel
Bracelet material:Steel (Oyster)
Dial type:Black

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